Dates & locations

We offer courses all over the world upon request. We also currently have Shandithi practitioners in Italy, Norway, Germany and Spain. This means that we are in an expansive phase and are also spreading this fantastic technique where there is interest. Feel free to contact Jenny for inquiries and ideas.

Shandithi Basic

During spring 2021 our main focus is in Sweden. We are hoping for the world to come in balance this year. <3 Soon we will spread Shandithi worldwide again.  🙂 Please contact us if you have any questions.

Love and light.



Deliberate creating

Iona (Scotland)

This course is for those who already have the Shandithi meditation. It is a journey that develops your consciousness. Here you will receive personalized instructions for your own development and also group coherence. A journey that takes you into the future where you create yourself, what you experience.

Instructor: Jenny Georgsson